end of work
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Julydia (noun)
![]() July-dear is how u pronounce it. Simple girl with a darn loud voice and a big heart! 14 July 1993, NYP Single! ♥ |
end of work
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Bossy
sometimes, you dont poke your business around. you simply accepts what is given and no extra explanation is needed. moreover, you dont actually belongs to this company and so what rights do you have with regards to this? com' on, stop pushing me or this will turns out nasty, not the way we think it should have. Simplicity
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Wishing things were simple enough but i know it aint. its been a rough journey but we'll still make it through. with pain comes the ability to grow stronger if you last it. but i rather it didnt come updates
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 Work has been coming along fine or should i simply say, it's the same.
Tons of billing to do, never ending filing and scanning, chasing people for things, ordering, keying data, booking of meeting rooms, hotels and more. Seems like a daily routine already. But all is made better with a BFF working just 10 levels above me, and you wont believe who is coming to work so faithfully... NOVELL EE! She is a blessing to me, being there with a listening ear and spurring me on whenever i feel like quitting. Not to forget her heartwarming breakfast every morning! >.< love this girl too much!
Sidetrack: I still hope, wish and dream that it didnt happen... Cus' i still miss Stronger
Sunday, May 19, 2013 What hurts the most is the flashbacks... Now, though some time has past but the pain still lingers and aches every now and then. You still think, miss and cry but you hold on to your decision for the best of both. You keep yourself occupied, jumping at any opportunity to make yourself busy and hopefully by the end of the day, you are too tired to even think about anything and drift to sleep. Careless or Cursed
Thursday, April 18, 2013 Few days back while we were having dinner, my mum were saying that im constantly losing my stuff. She also mentioned that one day i would lose my phone, my ezlink and prolly even my identity card. So, 2-3 weeks back after that dinner, i really lost my ezlink card. it belongs to my mum and its the chinese new year specials nets flashpay of the snake year. thus i have no choice but to inform her that ive lost it. ive tried the ticket counter to replace a new one for her but they do not offer it anymore. Then the next week, we went for dim sum breakfast, i dropped my phone on a cab. i realised it the moment i alighted and the taxi has alr driven off. my sister called and it went thru the first time, but the second time it was switched off. i called the taxi company and get them to contact the driver since i memorised the car plate number. but damn! he said he didnt see it at all. i was quite sure he took it as he offered to sell his iphone to me since mine was cracked. he said he had two which both belongs to him. then he said one was his brothers. please, lie exposed. but i couldnt recover my phone anyway. and that was it, i was given a thrashing. but thank god for uncle jeff, he let my mum buys me a new one. sighs, i really hated losing things and i didnt lose it on purpose at all. :( First Step into the Working World
This is my first official step into the working world, stuck in a company for 4 months. To some people, it may be simply 4 months but it seems to be a draggy one to me. If you know me well enough, from the two sentences, you would have known im not enjoying my work... :(
I was being offered a job to be admin cum receptionist. Basically, im covering mostly receptionist job. It seems easy enough and true enough, it was. The initial pay was $2.2k. But since i had worked as an intern in the company before, my final offer was slightly higher. Since they pay is good and the job is easy... So, what am i complaining about?
Well, in the working world, theres always problems but it depends on nature. Most of the time, its either people or the job is giving you the problem. But since it aint about the job, its the people then.
Some might have already come to know that i study Diploma in Business Management, specialising in Human Resource. Therefore, im working as part of the Human Resource team. Being in the HR team should be fun as you interact with many others. However, outsiders are nice but its the insiders that are the haunting ones. As expected, there are politics and fake fronts, this has favoritism in the mixture.
And where are the honesty policy supposed to be placed at when you emphasis on it? Whats the big deal about have department lunch session? Why keep it a secret like its illegal? Why say its a meeting when its a long hours lunch and hide from each department.
Day to day, everyone plasters a fake smile through the day and holds a shield at their back. (yes, backstabs) While i am only a temp, im constantly involved in such childish act. If you are holding a higher position, you should have set an example to your subordinates and you wouldnt end up with a mess and other departments looking down on each other.
I knew that kinda pay involved much work and i felt like im in a warzone daily. Only that i try to protect myself.